Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
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Showing 171 - 180 of 245 recipients
Ms Aidil Suraya Bte Mohamed Salleh
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mr Vejayaretnam s/o Kandasamy
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Ms Tay Guek Eng
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Ms Jamariah Bte Maja
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mdm Chua Sock Hwang
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mr Amran Bin Osman
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mr Chen Beng Soon
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Miss Juliana Bte Jayus
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mr Lai Kian Lye
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mr Tan Keng Tat
The Efficiency Medal, 2006