
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 171 - 180 of 239 recipients

Mr Siah Wan Whatt

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mdm Sim Siew Suan

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Ms Sim Sok Tiang Rosalind

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mrs Siow Yim Kheng

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mrs Sobrielo Merlin

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Soh Yew Soon Peter

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mrs Soo-Thia Chui Lin Angeline

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mdm Soon Bee Hong Emelyn

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Subramaniam s/o Krishnan

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Sudarto Bin Sulaiman

The Efficiency Medal, 2001