Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
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Showing 151 - 160 of 245 recipients
Mrs Nur Fatimah Frauder
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Miss Lim Lay Yian
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mdm Neo Kim Sian Pansy
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mdm Ng Siew Chin
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mdm Loh Tiah Cheng
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mdm Foo Boon Ching
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mdm Chow Ye Lik
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Miss Faridah Binte Abdul Rahman
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mdm Tan Sok Peng
The Efficiency Medal, 2006
Mrs Tay Beng Choo
The Efficiency Medal, 2006