
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 141 - 150 of 239 recipients

Mrs Ong Hock Neo

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Ong Lai Seng

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Miss Ong Siew Chin

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mrs Onkar Singh nee Dalwinder Kaur

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Onn Alias

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Othman Bin Salim

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Oum Prakash Singh

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Miss Triss Phua Chui Ngo

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Pah Mun Wai

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mdm Pang Nguk Lan

The Efficiency Medal, 2001