
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 121 - 130 of 241 recipients

Miss Lim Woan Ying

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Miss Ng Gaik Nai

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mr Chan Chee Mun

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mr Dennie Hsu

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mr Koh Seoh Kwee

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Mr Sim Guan Hua Jonathan

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Ms Gin Cheng Yam Amelia

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Ms Kang Phek Huang

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Ms Lee Suan Huem

The Efficiency Medal, 2005

Ms Leong Lye Kuen

The Efficiency Medal, 2005