
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 121 - 130 of 236 recipients

Mdm Lucy Long Ai Jee

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mrs Long Seng Yun nee Choo Kim Hong

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Loo Huat Seng

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Low Kim Bock

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Miss Lucy Marimuthu

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mdm Maureen Teo

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Miss Mayadevi d/o Marutha Ramalingam

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Mohamed Bin Mohamed Arshad

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Mohammad Maullana Bin Mustafa

The Efficiency Medal, 2000

Mr Mohd Yunos Bin Abdullah

The Efficiency Medal, 2000