
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 111 - 120 of 433 recipients

Ms Lena Tan Puay Geok

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Mdm Noraini Bte Ithnin

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Mr Kng Beng Kee

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Ms Christina Ong Gek Kim

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Miss Lee Yian Hoon

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Miss Lee Ee Leng

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Ms Low San San

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Mdm Ang Hong Soo

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Mdm Patricia Lew Siew Moi

The Efficiency Medal, 2015

Mr Othman Bin Mohamad Ani

The Efficiency Medal, 2015