Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
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Showing 111 - 120 of 391 recipients
Mr Koh Boon Chew
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Ms Ong Peik Keng
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Ms Lim Kwee Kiat, Jesline
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Ms Suzuki, Yayoi
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Mr Lim Chee Tiong
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Mdm Gioanna Ng
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Mdm Poon Swee Yoong
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Mdm Vijayalakshmi D/O D.T
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Mrs Juminah Binte Yusof
The Efficiency Medal, 2013
Mrs Leu-Goh Poh Nai
The Efficiency Medal, 2013