Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Efficiency Medal filterThe Efficiency Medal
Year :
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Showing 101 - 110 of 236 recipients
Mr Leo Ah How
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mr Leong Kuan Yu
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mdm Leong Lee Song
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mdm Leow Sui Lee
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mr Liew Sai Weng
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mrs Liew Siew Hwa
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mr Lim Ek Kiong
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mr Lim Cher Hock David
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mr Lim Cher Khin
The Efficiency Medal, 2000
Mdm Lim Chieh Sze
The Efficiency Medal, 2000