
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 1 - 10 of 239 recipients

Mr Abdul Hamid Bin Mohamed

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Abdul Kadir Bin Abdul Rahim

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Adam Bin Fashe Huddin

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Alvin Seng Kok Chia

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mdm Amarjit Kaur

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mr Amri Bin Amin

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Mrs Ang Siew Fong

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Ms Ang Theng Hiang

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Ms Asmah Binte Harun

The Efficiency Medal, 2001

Miss Aw Lay Tin

The Efficiency Medal, 2001