Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Commendation Medal (Military) filterThe Commendation Medal (Military)
Year :
RemoveYear 2010 filter2010
Showing 21 - 30 of 48 recipients
LTC Lee Joan Hin
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Liong Yuen Ming
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Mohamad Zakir Bin Abdul Hamid
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Ong Kai Sin
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Ong Yoke Lam
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Poh Seng Wee
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Sng Hock Lin
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Tan Kay Kian Vincent
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC Teng Haw Kiad
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010
LTC (DR) Wong Sheau Hwa
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2010