Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Commendation Medal (Military) filterThe Commendation Medal (Military)
Year :
RemoveYear 2009 filter2009
Showing 1 - 10 of 39 recipients
COL Lee Yong Heng
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
COL Tan Kai Cheong
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Bogaars George Michael
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Chandrasekaran S/O Ammiappan, PBS
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Chee Yang Kum
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Chia Chien Wei
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Chiang Chin-Tek
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Chionh Ka-Wei Philip
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Chou Yan Wee
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009
LTC Chua Eng Keat
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2009