Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
RemoveAward The Commendation Medal (Military) filterThe Commendation Medal (Military)
Year :
RemoveYear 2005 filter2005
Showing 1 - 10 of 41 recipients
LTC Tan Choon Meng
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Loh Long Szee
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Yeo Beng Lee
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Yau Thain Hock
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Chiam Tut Fu
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Fong Yat Beng
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Gregory Tan Kheng Lee
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Cheah Kok Keong
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Tan Chee Huat
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005
LTC Peh Ah Lee
The Commendation Medal (Military), 2005