
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 71 - 80 of 145 recipients

Mr Lee Chee Guan

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Lee Yew Loong

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Lim Choon Beng

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Lim Tong Seng Emery

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr M Hassan Mohamed

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Ng Joo Koon

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Ng Yong Seng

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr S M Michael Jeyaseelan

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Shawal Bin Hussin

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Sia Kian Teck

The Commendation Medal, 2005