Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
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Year :
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Showing 171 - 180 of 189 recipients
Ms Ng Sock Ling
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Mdm Ho Kit Han, Celin
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Mr Tay Wee Bang
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Mr Ridzuan Bin Ismail
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Mr Tham Fook Onn
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Mr Lim Ah Leng
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Dr Jasbir Singh
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Miss Joycelyn Ng Cho Yen
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Mr Tan Yong Meng Victor
The Commendation Medal, 2007
Mr Lek Hi Huak
The Commendation Medal, 2007