Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
Award :
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Showing 151 - 160 of 172 recipients
Mr Yang Yung Wei Jeffrey
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Ms Kalthom Binte Abdul Latiff
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Mrs Judy Neo-Seah Bee Woon
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Mr Kong Yen Teck
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Ms Kwee-Lee Maureen
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Ms Tan Poh Kim
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Miss Ang Lay Kwang
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Mr Siow Peng Han
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Mr Tan Beng Chye Steven
The Commendation Medal, 2006
Mrs Mary Lim
The Commendation Medal, 2006