
Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.


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Showing 101 - 110 of 145 recipients

Mrs Woon-Ong Ning Ning

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Ms Low Hwee Geok

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Teo Sze Leong

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Yeo Sew Meng

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Ms Betty Tan

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Tang Weng Chau

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Vaswani Kamal Ramchand

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mr Yip Yee Thai

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Dr Tang Poh Lin Jenny

The Commendation Medal, 2005

Mdm Leou Kwee Kim

The Commendation Medal, 2005