Browse through the list of 110,546 National Day Award recipients since 1998.
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Showing 1 - 10 of 267 recipients
Mr Jayarajan s/o Gopalakrishna
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Ms Teoh Boon Pei Jennifer
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Mr Abdul Rahim Bin Saleh
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Mdm Kwok Kah Mun Jasmine
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Miss Lim Sheau Huei
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Ms Pek Winnie
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Ms Asanthi Shiyara Mendis
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Mr Kwah Peng San
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Mr Tan Kah Sin
The Commendation Medal, 2010
Miss Law Seow Geok
The Commendation Medal, 2010