Appointment of Auditor-General (Jan 2013)

Prime Minister's Office | 7 January 2013

Mr Willie Tan Yoke Meng will be appointed Auditor-General with effect from 8 February 2013.


Mr Lim Soo Ping, 62, will be retiring as Auditor-General with effect from 8 February 2013. Mr Willie Tan Yoke Meng, 57, will be appointed Auditor-General when he relinquishes his appointment as Deputy Secretary (Administration), Ministry of Defence, on the same date.

Mr Lim Soo Ping

Mr Lim has put in 37 years of dedicated service in the Singapore public sector, including 6 years as Auditor-General.

A Colombo Plan Scholar, Mr Lim began his public service career in 1975 as an engineer with the Public Works Department. In 1988, after 13 years in the Engineering Service, he was absorbed into the Administrative Service. Thereafter he served in a total of five ministries, namely, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of National Development, the then Ministry of Community Development, Prime Minister’s Office (Public Service Division) and the then Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.

Mr Lim was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 1987 and the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 1991.

In February 2007, Mr Lim left the Administrative Service and was appointed Auditor-General. During Mr Lim’s term as Auditor-General, the audit reports by the Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) have helped enhance public accountability in the use and management of public funds and the audit findings have led to the tightening of Government rules and procedures in financial controls, especially in the area of procurement and contract management.

As the Auditor-General, Mr Lim paid particular attention to developing AGO’s capacity to carry out its duties effectively. AGO’s establishment size was increased to provide greater audit coverage of statutory boards. AGO implemented a Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) to ensure that its audit processes meet professional standards and the AGO Academy was set up to provide greater focus on staff training. The Auditing Service was also enhanced with better career terms so that AGO can be competitive in attracting and retaining talent.

Mr Willie Tan Yoke Meng

Mr Willie Tan joined the Singapore Armed Forces in 1974 on an SAF Overseas Scholarship. He was absorbed into the Administrative Service in 1982 and remained in the SAF/MINDEF till 1989.

Thereafter, Mr Tan served in the Ministry of National Development and the Public Service Division where he was appointed Deputy Secretary (Policy) in 1996. In 1997, he was appointed as Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Health and in 1999 as CEO of the Health Corporation of Singapore.

From 2002 to 2005, Mr Tan was the CEO of the CPF Board. As the CEO, he oversaw key improvements to the CPF Board’s organizational capabilities and services to the public and the successful implementation of various changes to CPF policies arising from the Economic Review Committee’s recommendations.

In 2005, Mr Tan joined MINDEF as Deputy Secretary (Administration) where he has made key contributions to the efficient administration of the Ministry, particularly in the areas of people, financial and IT development.

Mr Tan was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 1994 and the Public Administration Medal (Gold) in 2010.

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7 JANUARY 2013

